Edoardo Niccolai

Watercolors of my Mathematics
Acquerelli de Le mie Mattematiche

introduction · guiding words

(1) Every equation presented here is written by me, that is, it is part of my production of pure mathematics and mathematical physics: I mean, my books and my articles are the uterus, the scientific womb, see my main website: The artistic graft, i.e. the watercolors, is also mine.
(2) Papers type:
(i) Arches Aquarelle: 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb,
(ii) small decorative addition with Artway Indigo Handmade 100% Cotton-Rag Paper,
(iii) small decorative addition with higher quality 中国宝虹全棉水彩 100% Cotton Acid free, Grain Torchon Rough, 300+ g/m².
(3) Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.
(4) The process of transposition of the equations onto the cotton paper was not done typographically (no typography of my knowledge was either able or willing to use this type of paper so thick and porous, due to limitations related to the typographic machines on the market); so I succeeded in my intention thanks to a process, say, homemade, which I name here Bob-xerox (key elements: aluminum and selenium; I cannot and will not say more, in the event of a patent). On this formularum cotton “carpet” of mine, I then intervened with watercolors, passing, in a seamless way, from a mathematician to a craftsman & painter.
(5) The watercolors utilized are composed with finely ground professional pigments but also natural, viz. organic powders of some flowers, and inorganic minerals. Set of Chinese brushes, as required by centuries-old tradition.
(6) Each work is signed, on the front, with a stamp in red ink bearing my name in Chinese; whilst, on the back, there is a handwritten autograph, with my Italian name, and the date (day month year).
(7) Each work is a unique piece. My advice is to enhance this artwork with a natural wood frame and precious passepartout.
(8) Those who intend to buy one or more photographs, and therefore have an interest exclusively in the digital format, rather than the original work on cotton paper, they also have this opportunity. In my hard disk drive are stored Canon RAW images, i.e. high resolution pics (I offer the uncompressed TIFF format), ready for any type of printing, which reach 300 DPI in pixels/inch.
(9) Perhaps, zeal is «a certain nervous disorder», «a passion that goeth before a sprawl», as A.G. Bierce [1] lampoons. At the cost of being considered zealous, I would like to conclude with a trivial specification: for the entire website, you have to click on or tap each thumbnail to enlarge the picture.
Hereunder two tail remarks that can meet the reader’s curiosity together with an anecdotal parenthesis.
(α) Why monstrandum? What does it mean? I chose this gerund because it can smoothly be set in an acronym: QEM. It is an abbreviation of the La. phrase quod est monstrandum, whose signification is “what is to be exhibited”, “which is to be shown”; it draws on and varies, with a πολυμαθής spirit, the mathematical initialism QED, quod erat demonstrandum (“what was to be demonstrated”) [2], which is found at the end of a proof of a theorem or a preposition [3].
(β) I originally intended to buy a .xyz domain name (instead of .com). Then I changed my mind for reasons I am not going to explain here in detail [4]. The three letters xyz reminded me of the Newtonian fluents (of given fluxions): «[T]hose Quantities which I consider as gradually and indefinitely increasing, I shall hereafter call Fluents, or Flowing quantities, and shall represent them by the final Letters of the Alphabet [...] x, y, and z [...]. And the Velocities by which every Fluent is increased by its generating Motion, (which I may call Fluxions, or simply Velocities, or Celerities)[,] I shall represent by the same Letters pointed thus [...] , , and » [5], designating derivatives w.r.t. time.

[1] A.G. Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, in The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Vol. VII, Neale Publishing Co., New York & Washington, 1911, p. 374.
[2] In ancient Greek, according to the expressions of Euclid and Archimedes, it sounds like this: ΟΕΔ, viz. ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι.
[3] Not to be confused with the QED present in the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics (P. Dirac, S.-I. Tomonaga, J. Schwinger, R. Feynman, F. Dyson).
[4] Scammers and spammers often lean on the .xyz domain extension, given its low cost. Just another example, if ever it were needed, that man is the dumbest animal on the face of the Earth, as he is often the one who gets hold of technology in the improper and harmful use of it.
[5] See I. Newton, The Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series: With Its Application to the Geometry of Curve-lines, Transl. from the Author’s Latin original not yet made publick, H. Woodfall; and Sold by J. Nourse, London, MDCCXXXVI (1736), Introduction: or, the Resolution of Equations by Infinite Series, [§] 60, p. 20.

post scriptum
the heroic turbulence, or the valorous frenzy

The price of every work is a satirical response but perfectly in line with certain predatory (peer-reviewed) publishers of open access scientific journals with publishing fees of 2.100 CHF: this is the payment required to have an article (PDF format) present on the web; some publishers can ask as much as $5.300 for a few pages visible on the net. As well as the price is a kick in the ass of those bastard and unworthy professions that steal money without justification, or without actual merit. Let me give two examples: think of a real estate agent who can ask for a crazy & unacceptable percentage of property’s selling price, which can be equal to or greater than €6.100 for a studio apartment (monolocale), a Lilliputian unit with a single room; or think of a notary who, for a notarial deed of sale, which is scrap paper (cartastraccia), has varying prices that can go up to €4.000 (it is only an indicative bill); the notary fee is, in other cases, much higher (depending on whether it is a first or second home, and then there is the issue of the cadastral income of the property).
Three models of parasitic job, among many others, or rather, among countless others—bankrupts (bancarottieri), inept bureaucrats and white-collar workers, journalists hired to sweep the truth under the carpet, pettifoggers… The rest is fluff, or, worse, decline of a sick and tragicomically Kafkaesque society ruled by grotesque corrupt politicians, who are ridiculously at war with each other [1], with the complicity of industrial corporations falsely δημοκρατικές but de facto blindly tyrannical (absolutist, autocratic, despotic) et business companies driven by distinguished imbeciles (utili idioti). Those who want to deepen a little more my sardonic spirit, read the page About on my website.
The reader will reply: “What does such an invective have to do with a website where paintings are sold?”. It has everything to do with it, for me. The mathematics I do and the art I produce are also a modus to denounce the disgusting involution of this global village, with its repugnances (namely, to create a valuable alternative to it, filled with love). A clear sign that I am no longer capable of remaining silent in the face of worldly distortions, without breaking the boxes a ogni piè sospinto (at every step). Leonardo himself comes to my rescue; he points out that «Chi non punisce il male, comanda che si facci» [2].
Science and art, two sides of the same coin, are the path of man’s salvation—lato sensu, I am a hyperatheist (sine pietate & fide, ergo sine fraude). And here Dostoevskij’s famous question arises: «[I]s it true [...] that the world would be saved by “beauty”? [...] What kind of beauty will save the world? (Правда что [...] мир спасет “красота”? [...] Какая красота спасет мир?)» [3]. Maybe it is better to swap the salvific role; today more than ever, the world is called to save the beauty.

[1] The European Union, which is a supranational politico-economic union governed by a band of member states acting in an anarchistic manner, is a nefarious example of this.
[2] L. da Vinci, Pensieri sulla morale, LII. — Sentenze, Proverbi e Simboli, in Id., Frammenti letterari e filosofici, trascelti dal Dr. E. Solmi. Favole, Allegorie, Pensieri, Paesi, Figure, Profezie, Facezie, G. Barbèra, Firenze, 1904, p. 212.
[3] Ф.М. Достоевский, Идиот (1867-1869), Роман в четырех частях · Части 1-3, Мир Книги, Северодвинск, 2007 (2008), часть третья, V, pp. 338-339.

Craft Tools
Strumenti dell’Artière

Some of my wonderful working tools.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of Craft Tools. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Some of my mathematicorum pigmenta, from 1 to 20

Nº 1 · 1/05-23.58

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 1=1/05-23.58 at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 1=1/05-23.58. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 2 · 1/05-23.216[1]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 2=1/05-23.216[1] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 2=1/05-23.216[1]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 3 · 1/05-23.216[2]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 3=1/05-23.216[2] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 3=1/05-23.216[2]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 4 · 1/05-23.238[1]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 4=1/05-23.238[1] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 4=1/05-23.238[1]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 5 · 1/05-23.238[2]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 5=1/05-23.238[2] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 5=1/05-23.238[2]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 6 · 1/05-23.294

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 6=1/05-23.294 at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 6=1/05-23.294. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 7 · 1/05-23.346[1]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 7=1/05-23.346[1] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 7=1/05-23.346[1]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 8 · 1/05-23.346[2]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Decorative addition with Artway Indigo Handmade 100% Cotton-Rag Paper.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 8=1/05-23.346[2] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 8=1/05-23.346[2]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 9 · 1/05-23.368[1]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 9=1/05-23.368[1] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 9=1/05-23.368[1]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 10 · 1/05-23.368[2]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 10=1/05-23.368[2] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 10=1/05-23.368[2]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 11 · 2/05-23.3[1]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 11=2/05-23.3[1] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 11=2/05-23.3[1]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 12 · 2/05-23.3[2]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 12=2/05-23.3[2] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 12=2/05-23.3[2]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 13 · 3/05-23.15[1]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 13=3/05-23.15[1] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 13=3/05-23.15[1]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 14 · 3/05-23.15[2]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 14=3/05-23.15[2] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 14=3/05-23.15[2]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 15 · 3/05-23.16[1]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 15=3/05-23.16[1] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 15=3/05-23.16[1]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 16 · 3/05-23.16[2]

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 16=3/05-23.16[2] at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 16=3/05-23.16[2]. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 17 · 4/05-23.7

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 17=4/05-23.7 at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 17=4/05-23.7. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 18 · 4/05-23.15

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 18=4/05-23.15 at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 18=4/05-23.15. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 19 · 4/05-23.15o

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 19=4/05-23.15o at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 19=4/05-23.15o. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Nº 20 · 4/05-23.16

· Paper type and size: Arches Aquarelle, 100% Cotton, Grain Fin Cold Pressed, 300 g/m², 140 lb.
· Decorative addition from higher quality 中国宝虹全棉水彩 100% Cotton Acid free, Grain Torchon Rough, 300+ g/m².
· Cotton wool plus purplish pigmentation.
· Size: 21 x 29.7 cm, 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

€3.020,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping Without Picture Framing

€3.170,00 · Original Math-artwork, Free Shipping With Picture Framing + Passepartout

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.NB. The framing work will be entrusted to a craftsman, a professional framer, therefore it will take approximately 7 working days; it will not be entrusted to one of several multinational home improvement supplies retailing companies, which produce garbage.Please, for safety, specify the identification code 20=4/05-23.16 at the time of purchase.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 20=4/05-23.16. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 2400 × 2905 px (20,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 20.32 x 24.58 cm, 8.00 x 9.68 inches,
· 2945 × 4622 px (40,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 38.70 cm, 9.82 x 15.24 inches,
· 2945 × 4640 px (41 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.94 x 39.29 cm, 9.82 x 15.47 inches,
· 3164 × 4400 px (41,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 26.79 x 37.26 cm, 10.55 x 14.67 inches,
· 6960 × 4640 px (96,9 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 58.92 x 39.29 cm, 23.20 x 15.47 inches.

Parables on the Nature
Parabolæ de Natura

Nature reigns here: παραβολαί περί φύσεως.
Unfortunately, the watercolors below were not done on a 100% Cotton Paper, 300 g/m², but on 100% acid- and lignin-free Cellulose, 200 g/m², with Gum Arabic applied over the 银杏-leaves, with simulation of the canvas pinpoint-like fabric.

€412,00 · Digital .tiff Format Downloadable Directly from the Cloud Storage

You can pay directly via PayPal, or, alternatively, by a Debit or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.), if you do not have a PayPal account but always with a security key from the PP system.It is necessary to indicate the number of the photograph you want to receive (via cloud), following the order of the above gallery: e.g. photo number x of 银杏-leaves. The size of each photo varies, of course.

· 3028 × 2196 px (20 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 25.62 x 18.59 cm, 10.09 x 7.32 inches,
· 2862 × 4492 px (38,8 MB, TIFF no compression, 300 DPI): 24.2316 x 38.02 cm, 9.54 x 14.97 inches.

Feel free to contact me for any information, or if you wish to adopt other forms of payment (wire SEPA/international transfer, for instance; however, I have already put at buyer’s/admirer’s disposal the safest payment methods)

Everyone, on the wave of enthusiasm and of one’s esprit, can make a small-great contribution to support this project by an Artière & Immaginatóre de Le Mattematiche, between sottili provue et invenzioni di novi problemi (which is the veracious movement characterizing the protean structure of mathematics, as I have explained on several occasions in my writings), in combination with the téchne pingendi.
To reverse a sentence of F. Dyson, I am, and always will be, a creator of ideas ou seja a question raiser rather than a problem solver (cf. Id., Disturbing The Universe, Basic Books, New York, 1979, p. 76).

I do not forget to be grateful. The time has come to say goodbye: the χάος is calling me.